Can you balance a checkbook? What is the difference between simple and compound interest? What is inflation? Do I need a credit card? What's the difference between a credit score and a credit report? Do you know how to file your personal or business taxes? What is my max retirement contribution? How do I invest in a smart way? What are the benefits of Stocks? Should I keep cash on hand? How do I apply for a credit card? Should I buy a used car cash or a new car on a loan?

There is a lot of good information out there. Check out sources with a healthy curiosity, and with an open mind. Talk to professionals of all areas of the field. Speak to successful people in your community, seek to learn from mentors and elders. Invest in opportunities to grow your experiences both in the professional and the financial fields. Ask questions. Ask why. Sit down with a Financial Education Provider. Learn and apply your knowledge as soon as possible. You can be the change maker in your family and give future generations a completely different lifestyle, by the choices you make today. Dream - Plan - Act. Start today.